
Website URL: http://tedxcalgary.ca

Ramona Big Head

Published in Navigators (2018)

An educator with over 22 years of experience, Ramona Big Head is currently in her second year as principal of the ground-breaking Kainai High School, where she and associate principal Charlton Weasel Head are using a combination of brain science and traditional ways of knowing to help Kainai youth find their identity and advance their education through innovative curricula. A prior instructor at the University of Lethbridge for two years (2011-2013) in the Faculty of Education, Ramona currently is also a PhD Candidate out of the University of British Columbia examining the correlation between arts education and identity in Kainai youth.


Dr. Jessalynn Keller

Published in Navigators (2018)

At a time where it is emerging as an ever more powerful voice, where is girls' culture headed online, and how powerful a platform for activism and community is it? Dr. Jessalynn Keller is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication, Media, & Film at the University of Calgary and an expert in girls’ media cultures, contemporary digital feminisms, and mediated celebrity culture.


Briana Brownell

Published in Navigators (2018)

When you think about artificial intelligence, do you see an apocalyptic future of a machine-dominated world, or one where human capabilities are augmented in new and potentially wonderful ways? Briana Brownell is a data scientist turned tech entrepreneur, futurist and expert in artificial intelligence. She is exploring Uncanny Learning: impacts of building technology that surprises us with creativity, insight and intelligence.


Truth(s) [2014]

Published in Past Events

The second of our main events for 2014, "Truth(s)" explored the depths of what truths we hold to be important. From new dinosaur discoveries, to making the health system work, and understanding the depth of pain being suffered by our Aboriginal communities through the loss of missing and murdered Aboriginal women, our speakers and participants spoke from the heart.

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