
Website URL: http://tedxcalgary.ca

Alice Woolley

Published in Navigators (2018)

Amid the controversy of U.S. Supreme Court nominations that highlight the challenges of defining the truth in public allegations of misconduct, what are the ethical and moral responsibilities of those watching and commenting in the public sphere? Twice named one of Canada’s 25 most influential lawyers, Alice Woolley can be considered one of Canada’s pre-eminent scholars in legal ethics and lawyer regulation.  The author of over 40 scholarly articles, including several books which she has written or edited, Woolley’s work has been relied upon by the Supreme Court of Canada, lower courts and regulators of the legal profession.


Notas de 4

Published in Navigators (2018)

A powerful fusion of traditional Flamenco influences combined with traditional Latin American tunes and Mexican, Cuban, and Canadian jazz, Notas de 4 performances are intense, edgy, energetic, and inspiring.

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Highlights and Thanks from FLOW: Connecting the Dots

Our 2024 main event, FLOW: Connecting the Dots, brought together more than 400 participants, speakers, interactions partners and volunteers for an incredible day of sharing ideas. Watch a short highlights video of the event!

We were incredibly priviledged to have Her Honour, the Honourable Dr. Salma Lakhani, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, and His Honour Dr. Zaheer Lakhani at the event to provide greetings and opening remarks on the value of ideas and volunteering in our communities.