ENGAGE: Connected Speakers

Visit with the speakers from our ENGAGE: Connected event on November 18, 2020 -- our first-ever all-virtual event featuring live speakers and amazing conversations with other participants!

Dr. Rupinder Toor--Empowering Women

Dr. Rupinder ToorEmpowering Women

Dr. Rupinder Toor is a medical doctor who is passionate about women’s health and believes that empowering women through reproductive health is the key to building strong families and communities. She has proven to be a champion, innovator and thought leader in the areas of women’s health, birth control, intrauterine…
Jan Keck--Deep Connections

Jan KeckDeep Connections

What else do you do after you've been a world traveller (including working as a carnie and on a cattle station in Australia), ran for city council at age 20, and completed an engineering degree? Move to Canada and start over 75,000 conversations that matter, of course! We first saw…
Jonathan Neufeld--Reimagining Mapping

Jonathan NeufeldReimagining Mapping

Jonathan is the CEO of TECTERRA Inc., a non-profit that provides funding and support to companies who develop innovative geospatial technologies. Jon oversees a small and dynamic team that provides their clients with the opportunity to commercialize their products faster than they could have on their own.
Anila Lee Yuen--Connecting Communities

Anila Lee YuenConnecting Communities

Anila is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Centre for Newcomers, and has 25 years of experience in the settlement sector. During her tenure as CEO, she has spearheaded programming to include volunteer-led refugee supports; indigenous integration for newcomers; LGBTQ+ supports, domestic violence, homeless and mental health support…
Dr. Ryan Todd--Mental Wellness Visionary

Dr. Ryan ToddMental Wellness Visionary

Dr. Ryan Todd is a psychiatrist at Foothills Hospital in Calgary, Alberta, where he has seen and treated thousands of individuals who have a mental illness as a result of trauma, medical or surgical illness. Dr. Todd believes mental wellness can be learned and practiced by everyone, and that technology…
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Highlights and Thanks from FLOW: Connecting the Dots

Our 2024 main event, FLOW: Connecting the Dots, brought together more than 400 participants, speakers, interactions partners and volunteers for an incredible day of sharing ideas. Watch a short highlights video of the event!

We were incredibly priviledged to have Her Honour, the Honourable Dr. Salma Lakhani, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, and His Honour Dr. Zaheer Lakhani at the event to provide greetings and opening remarks on the value of ideas and volunteering in our communities.