TEDxCalgary Events

TEDxCalgary Events (1)

Learn more about our current or upcoming events TEDxCalgary events. For a general overview of our event plans for the current year, visit our Calendar.

If you're looking for an event that has already been held, please see our Past Events page. We've had more than 12 in-person events featuring 140+ incredible speakers.

Have questions? Let us know by contacting our Events team!

May 10, 2024
FLOW: Connecting the dots... [2024]

FLOW: Connecting the dots... [2024]

FLOW... it's the focused place in thinking and doing where we find inspiration, get more creative, and enter the space of mastery and peak performance. Whatever a person's chosen discipline, it's a space where great ideas are born and where great actions come from: in workplaces, in communities, and in society. Our speakers and performers took the stage to share and connect their ideas in FLOW, and our participants had a chance to dive deep into conversations as part of our interactions zone.   Watch the videos!   
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Visionary Partners

Our visionary partners contributed immensely to our event, and we're pleased to recognize their support.

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Highlights and Thanks from FLOW: Connecting the Dots

Our 2024 main event, FLOW: Connecting the Dots, brought together more than 400 participants, speakers, interactions partners and volunteers for an incredible day of sharing ideas. Watch a short highlights video of the event!

We were incredibly priviledged to have Her Honour, the Honourable Dr. Salma Lakhani, Lieutenant Governor of Alberta, and His Honour Dr. Zaheer Lakhani at the event to provide greetings and opening remarks on the value of ideas and volunteering in our communities.